Call for ContributionsCall for Sponsors
RIOT is the friendly operating system for the Internet of Things. If you cannot run Linux on your device due to constrained hardware, use RIOT! RIOT explicitly implements the idea of an open Internet. It supports all relevant standards and is distributed under open source license. You find more details on www.riot-os.org.
The RIOT community consists of companies, academias, and hobbyist, distributed all around the world. RIOT aims to implement all relevant open standards supporting an Internet of Things that is connected, secure, durable & privacy-friendly.
About the RIOT Summit
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The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT in the future. The event combines plenary talks, hands-on tutorials, and demos. The Summit will not only inform about latest developments, but will also help to gather feedback from the community to shape the RIOT future.

What can you expect?
This is the fourth summit of the RIOT community. We will put hell of a lot of energy to make this a special event.
- Great talks
- Lively demos and tutorials
- Social networking
- No registration fees but reservation is needed
It’s like vacation. Once a year you should come together with the members of the community to reflect on the past and push the future.
- Contact with senior and junior RIOT developers
- Latest community news
- Participation is free
RIOT is a community product and we want to involve as many people as possible. We don’t want to introduce fees and need your help!
- Explicit support of the RIOT community
- High visibility
- Different sponsor levels
- Connect with RIOT developers and users

You want to give a talk or present a demo? Please submit!

Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Andrew Tanenbaum, Prof. Emeritus Vrije Universiteit, Keynote on "Smaller is Safer"
Technical Director for Networking, NetApp, "Towards Securing the Internet of Things with QUIC"
Chrystel Gaber
Research Engineer, Orange, "Software-Defined Internet of Things"
Hannes Tschofenig
Distinguished Engineer, Arm Ltd. and Mbed, "Securing IoT Communication: The Path from SSL to DTLS & Compact TLS"
Rahul Jadhav
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Michel Rottleuthner
Research Associate, HAW Hamburg, "Energy-Aware Urban Sensing with RIOT"
Bart Moons
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Benjamin Valentin
Embedded Software Engineer, ML!PA Consulting, "Industrial IoT: Achieving 10 year battery life with RIOT"
Jürgen Fitschen
Systems Engineer, SSV Software Systems GmbH, "Seamless Power Management on IoT Devices -- Lessons from an HVAC Use Case using RIOT"
Jean Pierre Dudey
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Gilles Doffe
Embedded Software Engineer, Savoir-Faire Linux, "Towards fast-booting & MCU-driven operation for hybrid multi-core chips with dual Cortex-A and -M"
Lup Yuen Lee
Techie and Educator in IoT, "Safer, Simpler Embedded Programs with Rust on RIOT"平行加速VPN
Station F
5, parvis Alan Turing
75013 Paris, France
Venue homepage: http://stationf.co
Plane travel
Station F is located in central Paris. The closest airports are Charles de Gaulle (CDG), and Orly (ORY). From these airports, you can reach the venue in approximately one hour by public transport. To get from the airports to the venue take the RER B train to Paris center, then go by metro line 6 or line 14.
trainTrain travel
There are excellent train connections to Paris from all major towns in France, as well as from many cities in Europe and the UK. From your arrival train station in central Paris, you can take metro line 6 or line 14 to the venue.
More on information about the train system: http://en.oui.sncf/en/.
The metro stations nearest to the venue are Chevaleret (metro line 6, which is 3min walk) and Bibliotheque Francois Mitterand (metro line 14 and RER line C, which is 10min walk).
More information about the public transport: http://www.ratp.fr/en/
Nearby Accommodations
Oops! Design Hostel
This hostel is close to the venue, is well connected with the metro, and offers a variety of different rooms. Group reservations are possible. A potentially good budget solution.
Address: 50 Avenue des Gobelins, 75013 Paris, France
Distance to venue: walking distance 1,5 km
Web: http://oops-paris.com/
Hotel Ibis Styles Paris Tolbiac Bibliothèque
Ibis hotels is a major hotel chain, including several locations in Paris. The nearest to the venue is the Ibis Styles Paris Tolbiac Bibliothèque, which offers a large number of standard hotel rooms.
Address: 21 Rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France
Distance to venue: walking distance 900m
Web : http://all.accor.com/hotel/7976/index.fr.shtml
Citadines Apart Hotel Austerlitz Paris
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Check out the highlights from last year’s event, which more than 120 participants enjoyed.
Speakers ProgramMore Photos
How does the current Corona situation affect the RIOT Summit?
We cannot predict the state in September. We hope, however, that travelling will be possible. In any case, the health of our participants is utmost important to us. We will allow for in-person as well as remote participation.
Let's meet, in person or virtually!
Registration start?
When does registration start?
Stay tuned. We will open the registration around August.
The RIOT Summit is organized by the Internet Technologies group at Freie Universität Berlin, INRIA, and the Internet Technologies group at HAW Hamburg. All three institutions are the original founders of RIOT. You can contact the organizers via summit@riot-os.org.
Registration fees?
Participating at the RIOT Summit 2023 will be free of charge. However, explicit registration is mandatory for planning purposes.